
Mrs. ThuVan Nguyen | Vice President

ThuVan is a pastor’s wife and a Christian singer. During a short term mission trip to Malaysia in December 2008, she met a 12-year addict who was miraculously transformed by the Word of God. Subsequently, the Lord led her to Vietnam so she could witness the amazing deliverance of thousands of other addicts.

During her time as President of Vietnamese Baptist Women North America (2008-1012), she supported evangelistic efforts and Bible classes in state-sponsored drug rehabilitation centers in Vietnam. Once VCRM North America was established in 2014, she accepted the responsibility of being its president and continued to actively support the miraculous work God is performing on drug addicts in Vietnam.

In May of 2019, she resigned from the position of VCRM President in order to serve full time at Living Water Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon with her husband, Pastor Kenny Khanh Nguyen. They have 3 children: Melody, Jeremy, and Josiah.

She finds joy in cooking, sewing, piano teaching, music composition and spending time with her husband and children.

