Seven Success Factors of a Faith-based Drug Rehabilitation Program
We believe that true, lasting, breakthrough begins, continues, and ends with God. Below is an excerpt from Dr. Rick Jory’s doctoral dissertation of seven success factors of a faith-based drug rehabilitation program that we stand on.
The Power of God: God is impacting lives and transforming people
The Faith-Based Activities pursued by the Staff and Students: There is heavy involvement in Bible study, Scripture memorization, prayer, worship, and fellowship.
Family: The culture created by this ministry is that of a safe, caring family.
Effective Role Models: Role models certainly include staff members, but over time the students themselves become effective role models for other students.
Productivity/Self-Worth: Prior to entering the center, most students lacked self worth. At the center, all individuals are treated with respect. They are giving assignments. They develop a sense of self worth, accept responsibility, and begin contribution to the “community” - those around them.
Unconditional Acceptance: There is no focus on past behaviors and the students avoid focusing on this. They want to leave the past and all of its “ugliness” behind and focus instead on their new, transformed lives.
Rebirth: In talking about their past, it was as if each student was describing a different person. All had left the behaviors of the past. All focused on a brighter future. All (but one) had also experienced spiritual rebirth, despite none having entered the program as a way to either find God or to be found by God.